David Mancuso 1944-2016

David Mancuso 1944-2016

David Mancuso passed away while I was in the USA on field research. I discussed in my blog at the time and it's nice to see how much discussion his passing has sparked. Not enough in my opinion, but more than I'd imagined he would get.

I'll be honest, it's not the best or most in depth obit piece. In fact it's rather cursory, but as an introduction to Mancuso's contribution it's rather good. A better obit piece came from Tim Lawrence published at Electronic Beats. In fact I interviewed Tim for one of my first pieces of exploratory research on the project which you can read here. Tim's obit piece is much longer, more in depth, and draws more of the lines of importance out from what Mancuso achieved.

I've been thinking a lot about Mancuso's parties and the political climate they occurred in; to the point where I feel a rant coming on. I'll leave that for my next post.

FoHMix - December 2016

FoHMix - December 2016

FoHDiary Day 14: Someday...

FoHDiary Day 14: Someday...